I’m going through an uncomfortable yet profound process of change as a writer. What I want to say and how I want to say it has shifted. The world around us is mercurial, vicious and irrevocably frightening. As we demand more of ourselves, our politicians and our communities, I believe we should demand more of our art, too. In that spirit, I am currently working on two long form works: an essay collection (which will invoke my now tainted childhood hero Michael Jackson) and also a novel. These books will deal with themes that I’ve long been preoccupied by in mediums that are entirely new to me.
I am shitting it.
Even writing this here for anyone to read feels like setting up a clear marker by which I can fail. But all I can do is trust that what runs rabid circles round my head might also intrigue others, too. I feel lucky to be this scared - it’s a joy to be able to follow the path of creative risk, a privilege to have the space, time and opportunity to dive into ideas that galvanise me. Hopefully you’re interested to see what comes of it - any and all updates will be here on this site. And with that, I forge onward to the next season of my creative cycle. I hope to see you along the way.